Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Prayer for My Daughter before She is Born

I pray that as this little one is born into this world as my daughter,
so too she would be born a second time as Yours.

I pray that as I will be her father from cradle to the grave,
so too You would be her Father for eternity.

I pray that as she grows inside of her mother,
so too she would grow in the knowledge of Your word.

I pray that as her mother has carried her for these past months,
so too You would carry her all the days of her life.

I pray that as she moves inside the womb,
so too Your Spirit would move in her heart and mind.

I pray that as her mortal life has begun,
so too her eternal life would begin with her faith in Jesus Christ.

I pray that as she begins to become aware of the world around her,
so too she would become aware of her need for a Savior.

I pray that as she comes to understand our love for her,
so too she would understand Your love poured out on the cross.

I pray that as You have given her to me,
so too she would give herself to You.

I pray that my child, O Father, would become Your child.
I pray that my daughter might one day become Yours.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Maternity Pictures

In our cooler-than-normal spring, we took advantage of the first almost-warm-enough-to-be-outside-without-a-jacket day and went to the Chicago Botanic Garden to take some maternity pictures at 33 weeks. It was a fairly casual shoot since it was just the two of us (three of us?). I was even able to convince the father-to-be to join me in a few.



Warming up inside one of the tropical greenhouses also provided some good shots.

Our attempt to have a picture of me with a bird nest

More Prego Progress

It's way past time for another pregnancy progress visual update. I will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow so we're down to the final few weeks. I'm still feeling pretty good, just a little more tired than usual.

The second half of pregnancy (mostly): Weeks 21-36