On Friday, September 21, we did a Moody Radio event in Elmhurst, Illinois, called "December Live!" It was our third year doing one of these events, but the first time it wasn't on Moody's Chicago campus. It's a lot of fun to do the event because 1) I love Christmas; 2) we get to work with a great group of creative people in ways that we don't always get to at work; and 3) it's always great to meet listeners, many of whom are avid fans of Moody Radio. We recorded two hours, one for December Live and one for Valentine's Live with a focus on love in general and, more importantly, God's love for us. The one-hour specials will air in December and February respectively.
Here are a few snapshots of the event (L-R):
Row 1: The Segard family read Luke 2 beautifully; Musicians: Doug Hastings, Jon Hemmer
Row 2: Musicians: Larry Shackley, David Gauger; Tricia keeping time during rehearsal
3: Bill Davis and Jon Gauger tweak scripts; Lee Rugen (as Carl) and
Nate in the Laugh Box; Running through "Pew Zapper" (Jon Gauger, Heather
Segard, Lee Rugen, Bill Davis, Dan Anderson)
Row 4: Meg and Clara Segard; Practicing the commercial for "Pulpit Cam"; Musician Ken Rothaker